30th Pharmaceutical Science Conference, and Exhibition Of Arab Pharmacists Union(APU) 1-4 Avril, 2017, Cairo/Egypt We would like to invite the gracious presence of all the participants across the Arab world to attend the 30th Pharmaceutical science Conference and Exhibition of Arab Pharmacists union (APU) which will be held on 1-4 Avril, 2017 at Cairo/Egypt Our conference offers an opportunity to interact with the Pharmacists, Researchers, Scientists, and Potential business collaborations through the dynamic scientific sessions. Pharmaceutical Sciences, where thousands of pharmacists meet, learn, share and exchange views. Lectures, plenary sessions, poster exhibitions and section programs, together with Council meetings and the Leadership Conference make this event the premier Arab event in pharmacy every two years. The social side - finding new friends and greeting old ones - complements the varied Congress program. The Congress also serves the Young Pharmacists Group with specially planned sessions and workshops focused on current issues facing this unique segment of the profession.(as mention in following table) اليوم والتاريخ من 9:00 الى 10:00 من 10:00 الى 11:30 من 11:30 الى 12:00 من 12:00 الى 14:00 من 14:00 الى 16:00 من 16:00 الى 17:30 من 17:30 الى 18:00 من 18:00 الى 19:30 اليوم الاول 1 أبريل (نيسان) تسجيل الوفود قهوة مكتب تنفيذى غذاء الجلسة الاولى للمجلس الاعلى قهوة الجلسة الثانية والاخيرة للمجلس الاعلى اليوم الثاني 2 ابريل (نيسان) تسجيل الافتتاح الرسمى وافتتاح المعرض قهوة الندوة الرئيسية الامن الدوائى دعامة الاقتصاد القومى غذاء مقاومة الدواء المزور والمغشوش قهوة التسجيل الموحد والسوق العربية الدوائية اليوم الثالث 3 أبريل (نيسان) قاعة (أ) Biosimilar Drugs Pharmac-ogenemic قهوة البورد الصيدلانى العربى غذاء Pharmaco-vigilance & Drug safety قهوة Formulation Design & Pharmaceutic-al Technology اليوم الثالث 3 أبريل (نيسان) قاعة (ب) Pharmacotherapy Updates Role of pharmacy in Diabetes manage-ment قهوة Drug Analysis & Quality Control غذاء Phrmacists Role in Hepatitis C Management قهوة Supply Chain Management اليوم الرابع 4 ابريل (نيسان) قاعة (ا) Vaccines: an Update Hospital pharmacy قهوة Infectious Disease the battle we’ll win غذاء Med. Plant & Natural- Product قهوة القاعة الرئيسية توصيات المؤتمر اليوم الرابع 4 ابريل (نيسان) قاعة (ب) Pharmacology & Toxicolog-y Biopharmaceu-tics& Pharmackokini-tics قهوة Pharmacists Role in Pharmaceutic-al Care غذاء Pharmacis-ts role in Enviromen-tal protection قهوة Calling for Abstract Deadline for submission is 1st of Marsh 2017 What is an abstract? An abstract is a short statement about your research/work designed to give the reviewer(s) and the congress attendants a comprehensive yet concise understanding of your research/work. What is an abstract for? The abstract submit to APU will have two main audiences, each with unique needs and expectations: 1. Abstract Reviewer(s). Based on the submitted abstract, the reviewer(s) will decide if your abstract is accepted for presentation or rejected. The presenting author is invited to indicate a preference for oral or poster presentation. However, the screening officers will make the final decision based on the quality and suitability of the abstracts and availability of space [for the poster] and time [for the oral presentation]. 2. Congress Attendants. Based on your abstract, they will decide whether or not to visit your poster, ask questions regarding your research and/or attend your possible short oral presentation. Congress attendants may read hundreds of abstracts to determine which posters to see. Since this screening is made quickly, abstracts should include key words on the area of work so that attendants may quickly determine posters of interest. Overall structure of an abstract Your abstract must be submitted in ENGLISH. If you are not a native English speaker, you are advised to have your abstract reviewed (for language) preferably by a native English speaker before submission. Your abstract title should be concise and should not include phone number, email or website addresses. Please consider that the majority of your readers are not native English speakers, therefore avoid any play on words in the title and opt for simple sentence construction; The abstract should include the following elements: • Background information: why is this important? What are the aim and objectives? • Methods: this part should explain the methodology used for your work/study (including study design and experimental methods); • Results: it should be a summary of the achievements of the work and/or the major findings of the study. Note that all the major findings should be included in the abstract. • Conclusion: you should summarize the overall findings, the possible improvements of the methodology and if/how this work is part of an overall strategy /research. In other words, an abstract should tell the reader WHY you conducted the research, WHAT you did, HOW you did it, WHAT you found and WHAT it means. Your responsibility You are requested to: • Insure that all listed co-authors have reviewed the abstract, taken responsibility of its contents and accepted to be co-author. • Make sure that all your co-authors are listed on the abstract form (on the dedicated page and in the right column for listing co-authors). Tips for a good abstract General tips It is often considered that an abstract should follow the Four C's of abstract writing: • Complete: it covers the main part of your research/work. • Concise: it contains no excess words or unnecessary information. A good tip to be concise is to write down a first draft and to delete as many unnecessary words and sentences as possible. • Clear: your abstract should be easily read, well organised and without too many jargon words (a reader does not want to wade through complicated terms in the abstract). Consider the PSWC Congress attendants (Pharmaceutical scientists) and target your abstract accordingly. • Cohesive: that is to say the different parts of your abstract are properly linked. Presentation • Try to avoid abbreviations as much as possible. If you use abbreviations, place them all in parenthesis after the full word the first time they appear in the text. Try to avoid abbreviations as much as possible. • Use numerals to indicate numbers (1 instead of one) except if it is the first word of a sentence. • Do not include endnotes or graphics/figures in the abstract. o Tales are allowed up to a maximum of 3. Tables will only be accepted if they do not exceed 1 MB and are only accepted when saved as image in a .jpg format o The mage should have a density of preferably 300 but at least 150 dpi. o The images will not be integrated in the text, but will appear underneath the abstract text. • Proofread your abstract several times. • It is of interest to test your abstract before submitting it. Ask a colleague (or a member of your family) to read it and to tell you what your work was on. If he is not able to explain it clearly, your abstract may need to be revised. Submission of your abstract The submission of the abstracts must be Sent to APU (General Secretary/ Scientific Committee) By submitting an abstract, the author(s) agree to allow publication of submitted information at the APU website(www.apharmu.com) and in publications. Authors of abstracts invited to present their work through a short oral presentation grant permission to APU to display their presentation for future distribution. Requirements for your abstract: • The maximum length of the abstract is 1700 characters (including spaces), or “not less than 250 or not more than 300 words” excluding the title and excluding the name(s) and institutes/companies of the authors and co-authors. • Abstracts should preferably contain previously unpublished results. • Whenever possible, use non-proprietary (generic) names for quoting a drug. • It is not allowed to actively promote commercial entities, products or services on a poster at the APU Congress. These direct commercial activities are reserved for the Exhibition. These requirements for abstracts and the APU guidelines for posters are available on the APU Congress website. After submission After the submission of your abstract, a review process will take place. The goal of such a process is not to set a competition for a limited number of slots but to ensure that all abstracts presented meet minimum professional standards and reflect a good work. Such standards are reflected in these guidelines. This process review will be applied uniformly to all abstracts. The most frequent reasons for rejecting an abstract could be: • Not properly written or not understandable • No new information provided • Preliminary work not yet finalised • Promotional in nature • Previously published • Duplicate of another abstract POSTER GUIDELINES APU Guidelines for Poster Presentation Depending on the number of abstracts submitted, posters will be on display for one or more days. Presenters will be informed about this after the review process. Poster board size The net size of the poster boards will be 1 meter wide X 2 meters high. Waiver of liability All poster presenters are responsible for putting up and removing their own poster in a proper way and strictly within the indicated timeslots. If presenters hang their poster too early or do not remove their poster in time, APU is not responsible for any damage that might happen to the poster when it has to be removed by staff members. Please also note that it is not possible to ship posters to the Hotel before the congress.
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